Dr. Daskalov - Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
We collaborate with Hospital Re-Medika where we perform the surgeries under general anesthesia. We also cooperate with all other specialties in order to provide a complete treatment of the patient:
- Thoracic surgery
- Dermatovenerology
- Anesthesiology
- Oncology
What services does our clinic offer?
See our previous results
Steps to a successful surgery
A consultation with our doctors
Together with our doctors you can find a joint solution that will be the most suitable for you and your expectations.
Defining the goal
hrough large photos and drawings, the patient gets an idea of what the result would look like after the surgery.
Planning an operation
With the help of our doctors, you will find the most ideal solution when it comes to the desired end result.
Recovery after surgery
A few weeks later, you return to the clinic for a follow-up appointment to discuss how your recovery is going.
Patient Info
May I eat or drink before the surgery?
For interventions under general anesthesia food and drinks are not allowed 4 to 6 hours before the operation. For interventions in local anaesthesia food and non alcoholic beverages are allowed.
Jewellery or Piercing?
Jewellery and piercing should be removed before the operation as well as the makeup.
Smoking is strictly forbidden during your stay at the hospital.
What are our previous customers saying?
Dr. Ognjen and Dr. Darko, you are both so wonderful that it's hard to find the right words to praise you. Just being in your presence, your refinement and warm words inspire trust.
Irena S.
Please continue to be so dedicated to your patients, refined in style, we need your knowledge, expertise, and assistance.
Igor M.
Dr. Darko and his team were amazing! Every phase of the operation was thoroughly explained, which increased my confidence in them.
Katerina L.
Dr. Darko is an exceptional plastic surgeon. Every step of the operation was thoroughly explained. The result exceeded my expectations. I would recommend him without hesitation to anyone!
Stefanija M.
They were always available to answer all of my questions. The result is fantastic, and I feel like a new person. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Isidora L.
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